Welcome to MU Item Maker

Select a category from the menu to generate your desired item!

About MU Item Maker

MU Item Maker is your ultimate tool for generating custom items in the world of MuOnline! Whether you are a beginner looking for your first weapon or a veteran perfecting your build, this generator offers everything you need to create your ideal items with ease. Explore a wide range of categories to suit every playstyle and generate items tailored to your needs.

Categories Overview

Category Description
Swords Powerful melee weapons like the Kris, Short Sword, and Thunder Blade.
Axes Heavy hitters like Small Axe, Hand Axe, and Battle Axe.
Maces Great for defense with items like Mace, Morning Star, and Chaos Dragon Axe.
Spears Long-reach weapons such as Dragon Lance and Serpent Spear.
Bows & Crossbows Ranged weapons for Elves, including Elven Bow and Sylph Wind Bow.
Staffs & Sticks Magical tools for wizards like Skull Staff and Grand Viper Staff.
Shields Defensive items like Small Shield and Guardian Shield.
Armors Core armor like Scale Armor and Dark Phoenix Armor.

How to Use the Generator

  1. Select a category from the menu above.
  2. Pick an item from the dropdown list.
  3. Set the level, skill, luck, and excellent options.
  4. Copy the generated `/drop` command.

Command Structure

/drop A B C D E F G

A = Item group (refer to Items.txt)
B = Item sub-index (refer to Items.txt)
C = Level (0-15)
D = Skill (0 or 1)
E = Luck (0 or 1)
F = Option (0-7)
G = Excellent option

Weapon and Pendant Excellent Options

Value Description
1 Mana recovery after monster hunt +mana/8
2 Health recovery after monster hunt +HP/8
4 +7 Speed
8 More damage +2%
16 More damage +level/20
32 Excellent damage rate +10%

Note: Combine numbers to create custom Excellent options.

Sample: 8+32=40
Drop Code: /drop 1 0 0 0 0 0 40 = Exc Small Axe +Dmg 2% +EDR

Sets, Shields, and Rings Excellent Options

Value Description
1 Increase Zen After Hunt 40%
2 Defense Success Rate 10%
4 Reflect Damage 5%
8 Damage Decrease 4%
16 Increase MP 4%
32 Increase HP 4%
63 Full Option

Note: Combine numbers to create custom Excellent options.

Sample: 8+32=40
Drop Code: /drop 6 0 0 0 0 0 40 = Exc Small Shield +HP 4% +DD 4%